Friday, May 11, 2012

Finding Natural Law: Consistency in Justice as a Theme

            From Ancient Greece to the present day, the theme of justice has been a subject of interest which has remained and will continue to remain in storytelling far into the future. The reason for this reoccurring notion is simply because justice has always been desirable to the nature of man. By comparing the ancient play Antigone to the modern film V for Vendetta, man’s natural partiality toward the equity of law can be seen. The protagonists in each work are able to distribute justice to their corrupt leaders with the utilization of ethical knowledge and supernatural intervention.
            In Sophocles’ Antigone, the main character, Antigone, possesses the ethical knowledge to know right from wrong, despite a morally contradicting law. Following the death of her two brothers, King Creon has Eteocles buried with rites and a hero’s ritual, but refuses to allow the other brother a burial at all. By his rule, anyone who gave Polyneices, a traitor to his kingdom, a proper burial was to be punished by death. When Antigone is convicted of the crime she responds: “I dared. It was not God’s proclamation. That final Justice that rules the world below makes no such laws” (Sophocles, 208). In V for Vendetta, the vigilante known as V has the ethical knowledge to know the injustices committed by Chancellor and his advisers. The hero is so confident in his sense of morality, that he is willing to kill for the benefit of the people. He says, “Violence can be used for good.” Eve then asks, “Are you going to kill more people?” To which he responds simply: “Yes” (McTeigue).
            The role of divine or supernatural intervention also plays a large part in punishing the injustices committed by the autocratic rulers. King Creon is warned by the blind prophet Tiresias that if he does not repent for his wrongdoings, he will suffer the wrath of the gods. Upon her punishment, Antigone prays for the gods to punish Creon equally, “But if the guilt lies upon Creon who judged me, then, I pray, may his punishment equal my own” (Sophocles, 228). The role of the gods corresponds to the role of fate that controls the outcomes in V for Vendetta. During V’s first encounter with Eve, he states, “I believe in Fate” (McTeigue), admiring the compatibility of her name and his. Just before the riot on the 5th of November, Detective Flint, the man in charge of capturing V, has a revelation in which he claims the outcome is destined to occur. He says, “I suddenly had this feeling that everything was connected. I felt like I could see everything that happened and everything that was going to happen. It was like a perfect path laid out in front of me, and then I realized that we’re all a part of it. And we’re all trapped by it” (McTeigue).
            The theme of equal justice is so essential to human nature that it has been included as a central element in works that date back as far as Ancient Greece and continue to reappear into modern day culture. This customary desire for justice, which can be seen in ancient works such as Antigone, and modern works such as V for Vendetta, shows that our feelings about the idea have remained consistent throughout.

Works Cited
Fitts, Dudley, and Fitzgerald Robert. Sophocles: The Oedipus Cycle. Harcourt, Brace & World, 1949. Print.
V for Vendetta. Dir. James McTeigue. Warner Home Video, 2006.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Modern Genocide in Srebrenica

Genocide is one of the most universally reprehensible crimes against humanity. Its purpose is nothing if not a threat to human survival. Often when one thinks of genocide, they think of the Holocaust, as it is the largest scale attack on a specific group of people in recorded history. Although the tragedy of the Holocaust should not be forgotten, it should not be remembered as the only example of modern genocide. Due to the incomparable number of murders that took place, the mass extermination of Jewish peoples during World War II usually overshadows the many other examples of genocide that have taken place in the years that followed. Large scale murder still exists today and has become a disturbing trend in the modern world.
An example of mass genocide that occurred in recent European history is the massacre of Srebrenica. In 1995, in only a few short days, over 8,000 Bosnians were methodically executed by Serbian forces in a small town at the Eastern border of Bosnia. Despite the involvement of the United Nations, the Serbian populated Army of Republika Srpska (VRS) was capable of committing the largest act of genocide in Europe since the holocaust.
Following years of territorial conflicts between the local Serbians and Bosnians, the UN declared the town of Srebrenica a “Safe Zone,” in which the Bosnian population could live free from attacks or other acts of aggression. For two years, the town existed as a demilitarized zone, under the supervision of the UN Protection Force. Serbian forces outside of the town blockaded all supplies from reaching the town, leaving the Bosnian people poorly supplied, underequipped, and lacking in food and medicine. Although the UN was aware of the blockade, they made no attempt to stop it, as their primary goal was prevention of further combat.
In July of 1995, the significantly better equipped Serbian troops invaded Srebrenica, violating the established “Safe Zone.” They encountered very little resistance from the poorly equipped Bosnian defenses. In a matter of days the town was overthrown; many of the town’s refugees gathered in a small compound established by the United Nations. It wasn’t long before the Serbian forces discovered the 25,000 refugees within the perimeter. Over the next ten days, over 8,000 Bosnian people were executed with ruthlessly planned efficiency. The majority of these male, female, child, and elderly victims were executed by firing squad and buried in mass unmarked graves.
Even with the remnants of genocide so clearly evident in Eastern Bosnia, the UN was unable to convict the VRS of crimes against humanity for another nine years. In a landmark ruling, Theodore Meron, the presiding judge of the UN stated, “By seeking to eliminate a part of the Bosnian Muslims, the Bosnian Serb forces committed genocide. They targeted for extinction the 40,000 Bosnian Muslims living in Srebrenica ...They stripped all the male Muslim prisoners, military and civilian, elderly and young, of their personal belongings and identification, and deliberately and methodically killed them solely on the basis of their identity.”
                                                              Works Cited              
"Srebrenica Massacre." Welcome Back to The Frost Blog. Web. 01 Mar. 2012. <>.
"Timeline: Siege of Srebrenica." BBC News. BBC, 06 Sept. 2005. Web. 01 Mar. 2012. <>.
Traynor, Ian. "Srebrenica Genocide: Worst Massacre in Europe since the Nazis." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 10 June 2010. Web. 01 Mar. 2012. <>.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Animal Farm: A Fairy Story Influences the Kingdom of Gweeblets

George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel Animal Farm was originally subtitled “A Fairy Story,” leaving the reader baffled by its relevance to the content of the story. Initially, the story doesn’t resemble a fairy tale at all; the subtitle seems meaningless, perhaps even mismatched. How could Orwell possibly consider his story to be “A Fairy Story”?
                When the subtitle is pondered a little more, the relevance becomes evident. Orwell’s choice of words is very purposeful. Every fairy tale is written without conscience, and without morality. In the introduction to the book, C.M. Woodhouse compares Animal Farm to fairy tales. He says, “They take place in a world beyond good and evil, where people (or animals) suffer or prosper for reasons unconnected with ethical merit” (Woodhouse, pg. x). It is Orwell’s matter-of-fact story telling that makes Animal Farm a “Fairy Story.”
                Understanding this concept has shown me the importance of displaying the Gweeblet Kingdom in this same non-biased way. I want the reader to have negative feelings about the Kingdom without my personal opinions. This is not to say that I will not place my opinions in my story at all, but they will very subtle and tactfully placed, similarly to the mannerisms of Orwell. During the direct telling of the story (told from several changing perspectives) I plan on writing with the matter-of-factness in a fairy tale; there will be no conscience—no morality. There will be, however, the very opinionated, very moral pages of “The Book”, written from the perspective of Paine. This is where I will be able to speak my mind without subtlety. The voice of Paine in his pages is my way of direct communication with the reader. The contrast of the moral-free world with the opinionated pages of “The Book” should create a very interesting dystopian work.
                In addition to showing me the importance of writing in a voice that lacks morality, Animal Farm has provided me with a working example of a dystopian novel that substitutes humans for something else, while truly capturing and displaying the human spirit through it. This is the most essential piece to creating my story. My primary goal is to make the reader feel a genuine connection to the Gweeblet race in order to understand the moral lessons hidden within my story. The skillful substitution of animals for people in George Orwell’s Animal Farm is an inspiring example of this element used successfully in a dystopian novel.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

For the Gweeblets (Rough Draft, Still Worth the Read)

Number 776: An Introduction
The market was congested; filled with hundreds and hundreds of Gweeblet faces. This was far from unusual on a work day. Unlike the outside world, a workweek in the Kingdom consisted of nine days. Eight days were strict work days, and the remaining was the universal day of rest.

Every male Gweeblet (otherwise known as a Gwent) had a job in the Kingdom. Work was mandatory for each Gwent. Those who didn’t work were expelled from the walls without hesitation. Each day, in the final hour of light, an enormous mass of Gwents gathered in the center of the market. It was at this time that each working Gwent collected their daily wages and bought food or other household items. This was the only market in the Kingdom that they could spend their salaries; as far as they were aware, it was the only one that existed.

There were four wooden stands in the center of the market that stood together and faced in different directions. It was at these stands that the Gwents desperately fought for their wages. They were ants; each fighting for a fraction of a tiny crumb. In all the commotion over the simple morsel of food, they lost sight of everything else. They were determined to have that crumb. For who knew if they could find another? Who knew if they would survive without it? They reduced themselves with questions like these; they stripped themselves down and remained with only the most primeval function of organic life-- survival. The remarkable thing about the Gweeblet race, the one thing that set it apart from any other creature on the planet, was its celestial capacity of reason. It, unlike any other species on its planet, was capable of eternal life. It could create, and grow beyond its work. It could absorb, retain, and expand through consciousness. It could sustain an idea from one unit to the next; it could nurture it, and in its growth-- improve upon it. Its purpose, above all else, was to progress. It would face obstacles, no doubt, it may stumble upon them, it may even stumble over them; but unlike any other creature, this can be said of the Gweeblets-- in spite of every obstacle that stood before it, the Gweeblet race would progress. Oblivious to the excess of food around them, the ants continued to fight for the crumb.

Number 776 stood in the outskirts of the crowd. Despite the presence of the dense mass that surrounded him, he was very noticeable due to his lavender robes which stood out against the blue jumpsuits like a beacon in the dark. The combination of his deviating attire and his frail figure and awkward poise made him the only describable character in a crowd of Gwents wearing blue. He was tall in comparison to the average Gwent. Being the youngest son of one of the few upper class families, his body was frail from the absence of manual labor. His limbs were long and protruded at the joints, lacking both muscle and tone. Even though his muscles were undoubtedly tender, Number 776’s large bone structure made him appear to be immovable, as if nothing could set him off balance. His face was slender and long like the rest of his body. His clean facial hair covered the majority of his head evenly except for behind his ears. Here, the fur grew thicker and longer and came out at two opposite points just slightly above his eye line. His eyes were like two dark sapphires, a very unusual color for a Gwent. Although he was not a member of the working class, Number 776 could be seen in this crowd nearly every day.

After a full day of work, the average worker was rewarded with two tin coins. The average meal for a small family was about five coins; most families needed several workers to provide for their food alone. Stealing in any form was strictly forbidden and would result in severe punishments. To steal from another family was unheard of.

The impatient crowd gathered around the stands demanding their wages as always. Each of the exhausted Gwents looked eerily similar. In fact, to society each of these Gweeblets were the same. They wore the same blue jumpsuits. They worked the same jobs, the same shifts, and were paid the same wages. The only thing that made one Gweeblet different from the next was the unique number they were assigned at birth.

As the bodies gathered around 776, he couldn’t help but look at the other numbers. Number 831 possessed a familiar face. Number 623 was brittle and old, far too old to be working sixteen hour days. Considering the numbers were assigned at birth, the purple robed Gwent determined that Number 779 had been born only weeks after him.

Number 776 hated the Numbers. He understood that assigning a number to a Gweeblet made him just that-- a number. The educated upper classman wanted to know personality. He wanted to feel more of a connection to each Gweeblet. He wanted more than just a number sewn onto a jumpsuit.

776 wished that the numbers could be meaningful. He often tried to interpret them as if he could gain some knowledge about the owner, but he knew the only information that he could possibly attain was an approximation of their age. To the King, these people were nothing but a number. They were of no value other than the work they provided. One number was as disposable, as interchangeable, as the rest.

Number 776 knew there was more to a Gweeblet than his number. He knew that each had personalities, dreams, interests, strengths, and weaknesses. Each had an entire lifetime of stories that was personal to him alone, and this was far more valuable than any finite number. Every Gweeblet that stood in the market now, including him, had a name.
His name was Paine.

An Interview with Will Husted

For the rough draft of Will Husted's story (mentioned in the following interview) click here.

Q) In a few short sentences, can you describe the plot to your story?
A) A shepherd will search for the cause of his sheep disappearing while learning to cope with their deaths. His search for answers and his dreams will help him prevent the death of his sheep.
Q) What is the ultimate theme that your story is trying to teach?
A) My story is trying to teach that the spectrum of morality goes deeper than right or wrong; it is circumstantial and as broad as the spectrum of human emotions.
Q) Who is your protagonist? Describe.
A) My protagonist is John the Shepherd, and he is a man in his 20's who lives in the Great Plains, close to the Great North Sea.
Q) What is your protagonist's main goal?
A) Above all else, John will try to protect his herd of sheep.
Q) Does your protagonist have any secondary goals? If so, what are they?
A) In order to protect his herd, John wants to uncover the cause of his disappearing sheep.
Q) Who is your antagonist? Describe.
A) He is a wolf who lives somewhere on the Great Plains and eats the sheep for sustenance.
Q) What is the wolf’s ultimate goal?
A) Above all else, the wolf wants to survive. It must eat to survive, and finds opportunities to eat the defenseless sheep.
Q) How will the goals of the protagonist and the antagonist create conflict?
A) The Wolf's need for survival leads him to kill and consume one of John's sheep. John's need to protect his herd makes this unacceptable, and leads him to stop this from happening.
Q) How will this conflict resolve?
A) John will end up tracking the wolf, but instead of killing him when he finds him; he gives the Wolf meat and trains him to help him herd his sheep.
Q) What advantages will your protagonist have over your antagonist?
A) Human intelligence and human reason.
Q) What advantages will your antagonist have over your protagonist?
A) The wolf is clever and can physically overpower John. He also lacks moral guidelines effecting his decision making.
Q) Are any of your character's traits influenced by people in your life?
A) No, both of the characters of the story portray (symbolically) unrealistic views on the nature of moral decision making.
Q) Are any of your personal beliefs reflected in the story?
A) Yes, my beliefs on morality and the way that human's make decisions directly influence the story in every way.
Q) What age group is your story directed to?
A) Anyone who can read and analyze on even a small degree will be able to read and comprehend my story.
Q) How will the stories resolution teach the theme you are trying to convey?
A) John makes a compromise to his moral beliefs by adopting the wolf instead of killing him.
Q) What elements did you add to your story to make it interesting?
A) The element of viewing John's internal moral conflict using his dreams will grab the reader’s attention.
Q) What books influenced the creation of your story?
A) Aesop's Fables were the most major influence on my story.
Q) When your story ends, what emotions will your readers experience?
A) The reader will feel a strong sense of attachment to John's level-headed decision making abilities.
Q) Is there anything else worth mentioning in your story that hasn't been mentioned yet?
A) John is as dependent of his sheep as they are of him.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Introduction to Andrew: a Father, an Alcoholic, a Criminal Mastermind

Short Story Introduction

Andrew sat alone in the break room. The color scheme was nauseating. The walls were an insufferable shade of peach and everything else that occupied the space seemed to be painted the exact same shade of white. He loved this room when it was uninhabited by his co-workers, all of whom he resented for personalized reasons. His long legs were planted firmly on the beige tiles while his back arched forward in the chalk colored chair. Pointed elbows dug into the surface of the table and held his thin rawboned arms upright. He clutched an aluminum thermos between ten bony fingers. It contained his choice beverage-- Canadian whisky. He threw his head back and took a long swig, his Adam’s apple protruded outward. His eyes clenched shut as his muscles forced the syrupy drink down his throat. He trained his sight on the clock above the door and waited for his vision to restore. It was 4:14. In one minute Andrew would quit his job.
He could see his boss approaching through the window. As his frail hand neared the handle, Andrew choked down another sip of whisky. The door swung open inward, Mr. Harington stepped in. He moved past the employee, completely oblivious of his presence. Andrew struggled to find the courage he needed to speak to the private owner of Harrington Bank. He had an intimidating presence despite his small stature. The unsettling aura that surrounded him was a direct result of his over-confidence and pride. It was apparent to Andrew that he had never once been denied any of his desires. He was the beneficiary of the Harrington fortune. He had become greater than any of his successful ancestors. He was Harrington Bank.
The short man walked with a slightly noticeable limp, favoring his left leg. He nearly reached the door on the opposite side of the break room when Andrew rose from his chair. He opened his mouth for a moment but made no sound. His mouth had the sensation of dryness; the aftertaste of alcohol suddenly intensified in his throat. He wondered if the smell was evident in his breath.
“Mr. Harrington, I quit.”
The man stopped abruptly in his steps and turned to face his employee. He tried to mask his reaction to the pain he experienced as he shifted the weight to his bad hip. This momentary weakness could only be seen in his eyes, which briefly screamed with extraordinary discomfort.
“What was that?” He asked, challenging Andrew’s courage.
“I said, ‘I quit.’ My therapist says I need a change. Something big-- something drastic. He says if I never leave my comfort zone then I’ll continue down a destructive path.” He paused for a moment. “I’m sorry, but I can’t stay here.”
“You’re not leaving.”
Andrew looked down into the other man’s dark brown eyes. “I’m sorry, but I have to make a change. I quit.”
In the blink of an eye the short man lunged forward, grabbing the inebriated man by the tie. The frail hand clenched surprisingly tight and the soft knuckles drove forcefully into his collarbone. Andrew’s back was plastered into the peach wall. Harrington had brought his subordinate to eye level.
“You are not ‘quitting’, and let me tell you why. You are far too valuable of an employee to lose. Therefore, I refuse to let you leave. If you decide to never come back, I’ll personally see to it that you never find another goddamn job as long as you live. I promise you this.”
“But you can’t do that.” Andrew said, cowering behind thick rimmed spectacles.
“I can do whatever the hell I want you miserable piece of shit.” He extended a delicate finger toward his face. “You are mine. I own you. I own your mortgage. I pay your salary. I lease your car. I own every goddamn thing you own!” He tightened his grip on the tie, and gave the bony man one final assertive shove. “So if you honestly think that you can leave without my permission, you’re only deceiving yourself.” The frail hand released its tight grip. “Come on Andrew,” he smirked,”What would your wife th--”
Harrington was set off balance by a heavy blow to his nose. He stumbled backwards bringing the table with him on his descent to the hard floor. The thermos was catapulted into the air. It did several summersaults before clanging to the ground, spilling its contents on the beige tiles.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Common Sense Sparks a More Important Revolution

Thomas Paine’s Common Sense is one of the most significant works of literature in history. This relatively short pamphlet was one of the greatest arguments for the independence of the American colonies from British control. It inspired a revolution over three hundred years ago in the East. Now it is about to inspire a revolution in the Gweeblet Kingdom.

In Common Sense, Paine explains the evil nature of monarchy in the simplest wording of the time period. He says that while society is a blessing, government is a necessary evil. In an absolute monarchy, the thirst for absolute power is a natural disease. The most natural form of government is one that is entirely under the control of the people. Paine says, “However prejudice may warp our wills, the simple voice of reason will say it is right.”

Paine provided a strong argument for democracy, and pointed out the flaws of the British government. He also provided a structure for a successful representative democracy with a system of checks and balances to prevent any one person from having too much control.

In For the Gweeblets, my tale of a dystopian society set in the middle ages, a man (ironically named Paine) will create a book similar to Common Sense. He will reveal the evils of the omnipotent King, but at the price of his life. During his execution, a small child will recover the book, unaware of its treasonous contents.

The King, who has already proven ruthless and efficient, will stop at nothing to recover the novel and destroy it. As the book is passed amongst members of the community, the perspective will change, and the story will be told from their point of view. As the book is passed along, the knowledge within will spread like an infection, infuriating the King of the Gweeblets. His actions become frantic and irrational, strengthening the desire for independence. Even the growing demand for independence is not enough to defeat the mighty King and the brainwashed society. Soldiers will be on high alert. Spies will infiltrate into the highest ranks of the revolution. Punishment will become a daily occurrence.

Although resistance seems futile, there is a small sliver of hope that lies within the power of the written word. Perhaps one book can change history.